Dal Cason Advanced Cutting Tools

P.IVA. 05611590018

Corso Grosseto 362/A
10151 Torino

+39 011 7393839

+39 011 7393607


The data controller is Dal Cason Trading srl, in the person of its pro tempore legal representative.
The headquarters are in c.so Grosseto 362 / a, 10151 Turin, Italy.
The contact details are:
telephone +39 011/7393839;
fax +39 011/7393607;
e-mail info@dctools.eu

artt. 13-14 del Reg.to UE 2016/679

The information is a general obligation that must be fulfilled before or at the latest when initiating the direct collection of personal data. In the case of personal data not collected directly from the interested party, the information must be provided within a reasonable time, or at the time of communication (not of registration) of the data (to third parties or to the interested party). Pursuant to the General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data of Natural Persons (GDPR – Reg. (EU) 2016/679), the undersigned organization, data controller, informs of the following:

The personal data held by the undersigned organization are collected directly from the interested parties and directly and freely provided by them and from third parties (e.g. on the internet, from public registers, etc.).

This information concerns personal data, contact details, contact details, telephone numbers, postal and e-mail addresses. The interested parties are to be understood as identified and identifiable third parties having cause with the writer or with a contractual counterparty, even potential, such as for example. customers, suppliers, partners, public administrations, associations, etc. with which there are relationships of interest and / or work with the writer.

Personal data are processed for communication between the undersigned organization, including its staff, and the interested party as part of the normal activity carried out according to the following purposes (for each of which the legal basis is indicated in brackets by reference to the articles of the GDPR):

a) purposes strictly related to the performance and implementation of the requested services (GDPR articles 6 (b) and 9 (a)), in particular for the management of customers and suppliers, even potential, carried out by entering the databases company for the purpose of fulfilling regulatory, pre-contractual and contractual obligations, internal work organization, statistics and others in any case connected to the performance of the economic activity of the undersigned organization, e.g. fulfilments related to civil, fiscal, tax, accounting, remuneration, social security, insurance, etc. regulations, including the sending of circulars and press releases related to the activity of the contract for the provision of the requested services;

b) purposes related to obligations established by law, as well as by provisions imparted by authorities legitimated by the law (GDPR articles 6 (c) and 9 (b, g, h)).

The provision of data collected from the interested party is optional but essential for the purpose of processing it for the purposes of letters a) and b). In the event that the interested parties do not communicate their essential data, it will not be possible to exchange communications between the staff of the writer and the interested party. For all non-essential data, the provision is optional.

In the absence of consent or incomplete or incorrect provision of certain data, including sensitive ones, the required fulfilments could be so incomplete as to cause prejudice or in terms of penalties or loss of benefits, both for the inability to guarantee the adequacy of the treatment itself to the obligations for which it is carried out, and for the possible mismatch of the results of the treatment itself to the obligations imposed by the law to which it is addressed, meaning that the undersigned organization is exempt from any and all responsibility for any penalties or afflictive measures.

Data processing means their collection, registration, organization, storage, processing, modification, cancellation and destruction or the combination of two or more of these operations. In relation to the aforementioned purposes, the processing of personal data takes place on paper and using manual, IT and telematic tools, also automated, designed to store and manage the data themselves, with logic strictly related to the purposes themselves and, in any case, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality; personal data will therefore be processed in compliance with the methods indicated in art. 5 EU Reg. 2016/679, which provides, among other things, that the data are processed in a lawful and correct manner, collected and recorded for specific, explicit and legitimate, exact, and if necessary updated, relevant purposes, complete and not excessive in relation to the purposes of the processing, in compliance with the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the interested party with particular reference to confidentiality and personal identity, through protection and security measures. The undersigned organization has prepared and will further improve the data access and storage security system.

An automated decision-making process (e.g. profiling) is not carried out.


Personal data will be kept, in general, as long as the purposes of the processing persist: they will be kept for the entire duration of the contractual relationship and, after its conclusion, until the end of the legal prescription provided that the relationship is not renewed again.

The data (only the indispensable ones) are communicated

· To processors and processors, both internal to the organization of the writer, and external, who perform specific tasks and operations (internal commercial network or agents, companies in charge of market surveys, any commercial partners, third parties appointed by the company to fulfill all or part of the obligations assumed with the contract or related to them, banking institutions and credit companies in general, risk centers and / or companies that manage commercial information services, business associations and the like.

In the cases and subjects provided for by law

The data will not be disclosed unless otherwise provided by law.

Furthermore, without the prior general consent of the interested party to communications to third parties, it will be possible to proceed only with services that do not provide for such communications. In case of need, specific and prompt consents will be requested and the subjects who will receive the data will use them as autonomous owners.


At any time you can: exercise your rights (access, rectification, cancellation, limitation, portability, opposition, absence of automated decision-making processes) when required against the data controller, pursuant to articles from 15 to 22 of the GDPR (shown at the bottom); propose a complaint to the Guarantor (www.garanteprivacy.it); if the treatment is based on consent, revoke this consent given, taking into account that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on consent before the revocation.

The data controller is Dal Cason Trading srl, in the person of its pro tempore legal representative.

The headquarters are in c.so Grosseto 362 / a, 10151 Turin, Italy.

The contact details are: telephone +39 011/7393839; fax +39 011/7393607; e-mail info@dctools.eu

The complete list of data processors is available on request.